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Deadly Vipers


With snakes in the Arctic, it may seem that nowhere is safe from their deadly venom. This film focuses on those snakes that account for three times as many human deaths (around 30,000 each year) than all other snakes put together. Their bites cause massive pain, skin blistering, tissue necrosis and nerve paralysis. Puff adders produce as many as 150 venomous young in one go. The Gaboon viper reaches over two metres in length, have thumb-length fangs, and can swallow a whole antelope! Meanwhile, under an arctic sun, the adders are dancing...

With snakes in the Arctic, it may seem that nowhere is safe from their deadly venom. This film focuses on those snakes that account for three times as many human deaths (around 30,000 each year) than all other snakes put together. Their bites cause massive pain, skin blistering, tissue necrosis and nerve paralysis. Puff adders produce as many as 150 venomous young in one go. The Gaboon viper reaches over two metres in length, have thumb-length fangs, and can swallow a whole antelope! Meanwhile, under an arctic sun, the adders are dancing...

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